This site features creative furniture makeovers submitted by the talented DIYers and artists who created them. The makeovers featured here represent:
- scouting yard sales, thrift stores, online sites, curbs
- often hours of prep work
- trial and error
- experimentation with paints and techniques
- months or years of experience
- sweat, heart, and soul (and sometimes tears) into every project
- either kept for personal use (decorating on a budget) or sold to help their family’s income
We realize that one pretty After picture is more than just a picture; it is the culmination of all of these factors. On this site we celebrate all of these things and strive to inspire our readers to be creative with their own furniture makeovers.
DIY Furniture Makeovers is a passion project by Jen, owner of Girl in the Garage, a DIY blog where she shares her own furniture makeovers, home decor, and personal accessories. Jen has been blogging since 2012, is married with three young sons, lives in Indiana, and enjoys movies, gummy bears, and treasure hunting for old furniture and decor. She can be reached at